Dorset Council declares nature emergency
Toller Porcorum Parish Council
Councillors of Dorset Council have voted to declare a nature emergency at a meeting of the full council in July. By declaring a nature emergency Dorset Council will seek to:
- Contribute to the national commitment to protect 30% of land for nature by 2030, in line with the UK’s international commitment to biodiversity and the Natural Environment, Climate and Ecology strategy as set out in the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Dorset.
- Support the Dorset and Cranborne Chase National Landscapes to meet/exceed their apportionment of the Environmental Improvement Plan targets
- Make space for nature and the long-term maintenance and expansion of the Nature Recovery Network.
- Improve biodiversity on Dorset Council land including its farms, highway verges, country parks and other greenspace by, for example, planting trees and hedgerows, lowering soil fertility on verges and encouraging community orchards and the
- establishment of allotments.
- Work with farmers, landowners, town and parish councils and other external partners to improve biodiversity, increase tree cover and woodland and green our streets.
- Remove the use of glyphosate and chemicals damaging to ecosystems/nature where possible.
- Reduce pressure on wildlife and develop wildlife corridors.
- Improve doorstep access to nature, particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those wards already identified as having the worst access to nature.
- Support communities and businesses to make better decisions and take action to support nature’s recovery.
- Develop a strategic perspective on natural flood management solutions, working with key partners and stakeholders.
Parish and Town Councils are expecting to be consulted on the nature emergency in due course. More information is available on the Dorset Council website using this link.
Contact Information
Clare Smith
- 07957640422
Find Toller Porcorum Parish Council
Toller Porcorum, Toller Porcorum, Dorchester, Dorset